For distribution partners across the funnel
from lead generation to sales and underwriting.
Transform Life Insurance customer acquisition with InsurabilityIQ
Our health risk score to identify who will qualify for a policy
Get the best-through the door population for digital customer acquisition
Target ad spend and bids towards best-fit prospects for your Term or Final Expense products
Qualify lead inventory for best conversion and max revenue
Drive higher Return on Ad Spend with MedicareLTV
Scores customized to your audiences & products
Find best opportunities to convert customers during Annual and Open Enrollment
Customized for distribution via call center or fully digital
Specific to products like Medicare Advantage or Supplemental, and audiences like dual eligibles
Reduce Health Insurance customer acquisition cost with U65Health
Customized scores for enrollment & product eligibility
Geo-target pockets of high enrollment eligibility outside ACA Open Enrollment
Identify subsidy-eligible populations during Open Enrollment
Predict best health risks for underwritten health insurance